Picture on Sticker - How does it work

All the icons / pictures on stickers - Means you can print a bunch of labels, for example, to write your name on one side of the label and another label/sticker on your chest with it, and the other on the cup. Then there is also a greater chance of people using their OWN cup twice or more, which is good for the environment.

If you then print 2 sets ?? - It is necessary, because how many have Football, handball, books, running ie. as interest ... But is the idea with both sticker AND cup ... then it takes a little more stickers/labels.

Then you can identify who is who and who is also interested in - Golf, Ball?, Movies, Books, Computer, CMS, Food, cake etc etc .. it is the easiest way to find relationships between people you may know in advance, but did not know that you had the same interest.

That's what Things You Share is about.

Make sure you have a good visible pen, not too thick, label for writing names on the labels / sticker.



  • 1Kurven
  • 2Modtager og Betaler adresse
  • 3Leverings metode
  • 4Handelsbetingelser og betaling
  • 5End
Image Name Unit price Quantity Total price
Billede af alle de stilede ikoner

Pictures on Stickers with your Interest, I´ll print and send 1 set.

43,00 DKK each
43,00 DKK
Subtotal 43,00 DKK
VAT 8,60 DKK
Total 43,00 DKK